Wednesday 6 October 2010

Cell Phones - Some considerations of the mobile phone of the future

Mobile technology has been observed previously at breakneck speed, and sometimes we can not but think back to just a few years and you can see all the new features of integration and race in the market - a race for the "wow" i consumers, and to choose a specific device. But before we talk about the latest trends in mobile phones and smartphones, we discuss the recent development of these devices.

Since I had one of the first mobile "cell" phones - I would sayYou start a story quickly that discussion.

My first phone was state-of-the-art at the time, but if you've seen today, you'd laugh. One of them are effectively held, a portable Mitsubishi. This phone is the size of a six-pack cooler that you take with your child playing soccer, and it was quite difficult as I remember it well over 10 pounds. This is of course included the phone's battery up to 3 watts.

Note that the lithium-ion batteries were at the timejust get off the line and are very expensive - do not exist in this format for anything other than NASA and the military. These phones I had were the original nickel-hydride battery power, a rather poor battery technology for mobile phones today.

Mitsubishi cell phone has a tape, you can have a wallet, and I often feel worn really stupid, he should of course, the doorbell rang and I unzipped the top, put the telephone receiver and began to speak. IRecall that each looked as if it were a secret agent of the CIA was working for MI6, and my name is not Lance, it was really James Bond. You see, then, not many people had cell phones, and they were very expensive.

Another one of my first mobile phone was mounted Audiovox model 1000, which was big enough and it was in my car, a car phone - the phone. The box that ran the phone was mounted under the seat, and has been a cradle, the headset instead. The headset has a stringlike a phone at home, in the cordless phones that is. Under the seat of the box was about 3 1 / 2 inches high and the size of a laptop with a screen of 17.1 inches.

This mobile phone or car phone was connected directly to the battery with a pair of backup. When I turned on the vehicle, the phone turns on automatically. When I turned off the machine, I had to leave it on the accessories with the key in the correct position when I passed the phone-through switching. Ifthe phone rang and actually hit the horn, which put me in trouble a couple of times when the horn went while I was driving behind a police car stopped at an intersection. I have a lot of stories to tell you all of those early days with the first phone, and you can e-mail if you are ever interested in such experiences.

People today all this for granted, because they do not realize how difficult the original phones were, or how stupid they were compared with modernNow smart phones. Today, they give you a free phone if you subscribe to the service - then you had to pay $ 1000 for a car phone, and a few hundred dollars to have it installed. It 'been a process where you have a stereo system and XM Radio simultaneously put in the car, that is, how much work it is to do this. Therefore, the cost of the work today, you can easily pay $ 400 or three. This is definitely something to think about.

When I am in a conversation withsomeone on the phone while the engine was running when I parked the car and pulled the key to the accessory position, I would download the call, as I cut down during this transition. However, with a phone in my car helped me increase my business. At the time I was only 17 years - I had a brokerage fee of aircraft and air services, and I work out of the royalties, if I sold a plane represented. I also had a small aircraft cleaning, and couldContact customers in the car on the flight line, my team and I could call if they have done the job how to use the local phone box to call me were made.

Thereby allowing the mobile technology to make me more money, and are more efficient than the competition. Remember, when this was cutting edge technology that was state-of-the-art, and I had - the competition is not. I was not stuck in an office, I could manage my business from anywhere and this allows me a lotFreedom. Often people do not know today what it was before cell phones. Who is the economy today at the age of 50 noted, because they remember a time when there were no mobile phones.

This was a moment in the history of our nation, if you call in every mall, every gas station, out of any fast food, and people have used them all the time. Business that are not your ashtray was full of smoke coins, causing them to stop andUse the pay phone. So, so they call clients, customers, suppliers, and maintain their activities in office. When cell phones first time in the game, moved the old Motorola phone technology push to talk, who worked out of a mountain top repeaters, these phones were very large in the military, construction companies and all executives with large companies had them.

Because this wireless technology, have continued to work as the first phone that had to be10 to 15 miles from a cell tower. Today, mobile phones less power than they were then, so that the average cell tower is 6 miles or less apart. At that time, cell phones worked three watts, and now with the 3G technology, the performance of less than 1 W. This is probably good for the human biosystem, as it is less microwave radiation frequency to put in your brain, and brain tumors are less brain tumors and other issues. There are many studies, including many appointed by theSwiss researchers who show that the W 3 phones have been completely unacceptable to human health appeared, and they would slowly cook the brain as a researcher says.

Fortunately for the mobile industry, have managed to bury most of these problems and concerns, as well as studies that the Swiss have done. Despite studies in the United States, you should find it hard pressed these studies and data on brain tumors, brain tumor, and their relationship to cellPhones that people use. In fact, if you're on Google Scholar today will be hard not to suggest that mobile phones could cause such terrible conditions was found. This is of course everything is still under discussion, but let's not talk about it.

Perhaps adding to the 3G wireless, and less power mobile industry dodged a bullet class actions enormous, and we may never know what damage it had caused. However, as we talk about Six Sigmabusiness efficiency or the use of modern management techniques in small businesses, no one can deny that an increasing communication speed and reliability is by far a factor of productivity growth in the 80s and 90s through mobile phones.

At the time I was literally running from 1000 to 1200 minutes per month, and even if the service much cheaper than other options, such as the Iridium satellite phones, the phone was non-mobile units, such as cellular towers do not use them, but Satellite- You can imagine, the cost of the original cells. They had no plan for unlimited minutes and once you pay the premium for every minute on this phone, my bill was usually $ 500 to 800 or more.

The other phones do not currently have phones based on the tree, they push to talk, and entered into a brief case - it was rather like James Bond, at the time. And this was in 1970, and I remember why I started my business when I was 12Dry air at the local airport. Many of the entrepreneurs, corporate jets had heard this kind of phones. They were basically for the rich and famous, and businessman. They do not work everywhere, and Berg have been very good line of sight to the nearest high mountain and had lines have a repeater on top of the phone that was wired, and the rest of the system has worked with the lines of land.

All this is very interesting, and weWhereas many people today have never been alive, when there were no phones. You have no idea how hard it was for a business to run back to the days when in reality it was not a mobile communication. The same repeater systems on the mountain in the possession or use Motorola Hardware Motorola, also checked the pager. This paging system was very popular with people on call, like doctors and specialists. two-way radios that are essentially the same workA two-way push-to-talk phones case were used by a dispatcher for the companies very often.

Later, as cell phones came into the game, someone had the idea of 1.5 and a two-way pager. Instead of a one-way pagers, no one knows what "Alpha mate", one side of the device could call someone and ask them a question (with a text message) on this side and the receiver could be a key for yes or no , press Y era. or N. and the information will be forwarded to the dispatcher. Peopleactually got pretty good communication in this way. And it could enter the text to send messages to read for users of pagers. In fact, the first messages of type text, so that the concept is connected to a wireless device using SMS messages are not entirely new.

Two-Way SMS on mobile phones is simply a re-introduction of similar technology. Once people had mobile phones do not need to stop using your text pager, and that the technology has been ignored as the price ofmobile services was lower due to competition between companies like Sprint and AT & T. It increases were many other smaller regional players, but I finally bought by the big boys.

The mobile phone industry has grown so rapidly late '80s and early '90s, which eventually were everywhere reporting. Then something strange happened really happened, the promise of 3G wireless came into play, and people began the transition to the new system. I can tell you - my first mobile phonewere much more powerful and has worked much better than the mobile phone today.

Every now and then I had a call dropped and there were many areas of service, yes, there are more dead zones, but the signal was much stronger because it was 3 W, and since it was my car battery or a battery in a great little carrying case, which was to give a lot of strength to get a strong signal.

If I curse the day my AT & T cell phone use, often because the service is so bad, I wonder whypay for it. In autumn, the loss of productivity of dead zones, and phone calls, I feel like AT & T will pay me. Apparently they are not alone, many people feel the same way. Nevertheless, the 4G wireless on the road, and everyone will switch, so you have access to the Internet to ensure that e-mail, Twitter, video and text message real-time without the use of lines land

A good number of people do not know of a time when there wasNo e-mail or the Internet. And most people who are in the business today who remember the age of 50 years and not in a time when we do not have fax machines, the reality is that the fax machine came into play for the first time mobile phones. Mind you, there was no Internet, no e-mail, and even if ARPANET was used by the military and think tanks, research centers and top universities, it was not really open to the public in the way they Buy hours.

Fast forward to todayand now you do not go anywhere without a cell phone. social researchers have found fewer people wear watches. You do not need a watch because it is a standard feature on all phones now. Of course this does not mean that companies like Rolex, young people and upcoming BMW are set meals, when you see that the younger leaders, or even a watch and see most of our younger generation doesn t 'a watch with those helps.

It seems that the clockreplaced the pocket watch and seem to replace nearly all phones. These days people their phone or smartphone using their e-mail to do, and only have this phone as a PDA, without an agenda anymore, although some people, including myself, perhaps out of habit from the agenda of the 12 years time in my shop until I was in my mid 40's. Maybe I give my age, but sometimes Old Habits Die Hard.

Today, with manynotebook laptops, PDAs and smart phones, it seems that none of the other things needed. Including human memory, many psychologists say that with this technology, because the human brain, the thread again in a different way, because they claim to manage the diverse needs of the world. Finally, all the best friends on speed dial key and you no longer need to remember phone numbers. And all of your contacts and phone information in your email program or your ownLaptop.

Cyber-security analysts fear that if the system crashes or God forbid that an electromagnetic pulse, the neutron bomb or a nuclear device is turned off in the upper atmosphere could do to destroy all electronic equipment, including all cell towers, laptop, your TV set and refrigerator smartphone. Where will you be then, and you can rely on your memory and brain are born you take with your daily efforts - terrifying to think, but perhaps we need to addressThis, as it considers the development of mobile phones.

Today our phones the whole dynamic of our society have changed. There are unspoken etiquette of mobile phone use in public. There are rules, if we use our cell phones and if we can not. Problems such as driving with a cell phone and the number of deaths, the automatic, while people are out and seem to talk on the phone simultaneously. There had been some major disasters were caused by text messages while driving a bus or construction of aTrain.

The reality is that our technology has grown, it is much faster than the human brain is evolving to take everything you need to move forward in our society and their speed and multitasking productivity, employment can not cope with many brain or adapt quickly enough. And this seems to be a problem if some people are not able to make the switch, but they try, sometimes while driving with disastrous consequences.

Our phones are always super Phonesfeaturing more and more like the ability to store music for your iPod, and large amounts of data such as our electronic PDA. These devices are becoming more high tech each year, and are rich in functionality. Many people buy fifty-five nine gigabytes of data storage. A recent study in the mobile industry, who do not know 90% of people who used their phones not all features, and as a program or even that it exists on your cell phone. MostPeople do not even care that use the features they want and none of the others.

This is a common problem with new technologies, and is something that happens with the Beta and VHS. What's the old joke, there are tons of features on your VCR at home, but nobody knows how to use them, and before we all learned that we must learn how to use this function, the VHS video recorder in the new DVDs are available here. Now cable companies offer boxes that recordseveral displays so you can see later, or pause live TV while you go to the bathroom or go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Some you can use your phone to do remote programming.

These are all things, the common problems encountered similar problems with a new personal technology devices that have become mass consumer products. Cell phones and smartphones are our present is no exception. It 'hard to predict the future, what kind of new functions in the cellPhones have. The sky is the limit, and the imagination and the demand for more features and the technology is more evident. The first users of mobile phone technologies such as smart phones and are willing to spend a lot of money to have all-in-one. Therefore, this trend will continue.

only shows an example of some of those crazy ideas of a future for smartphones let me tell you a little story fast.

Our Online Think Tank came up with a plan toproduce a PhD or Personal Health Device, following the diet - on your phone. How was it only works when you're in the supermarket, we all items you have bought, scanned, and that would have been in storage on your phone. Each time you ate one of those items you simply select what you eat and calculate and punch in the number of servings you and keep track of your calories, fats and the recommended daily dose among the five food groupsGroups.

The smartphone has a system scanner on it, later following versions of this smartphone devices and health personnel are able to scan products with RFID tags. The phone can also categorize and recommend, what you should eat, how many miles you jog should be and what would be needed to keep your diet to achieve your personal health and weight loss program. Sounds crazy, right, yes, yes, but venture capitalists like the idea. So it is, companies mustproducing high-tech smartphones today, as everyone tries to get a jump on competition.

GPS systems via smart phones or mobile phones to high-tech it is quite possible (now), and you have to do even satellites. If you are triangulated in the range of different cell towers your position very quickly, which identifies the exact location within 10 feet. Ha ha, you see the problem here, what you ask for? This is a good point, and thatAnother problem is that people good relations with all these new innovations in high-tech personal smartphone.

Google Phone, social networking and the connections seem to be in the pipeline. That is, the phone connects to all your friends on social networking, but it seems that Google got into a bit 'of a problem, and pointed out that many people are not ready yet. In fact, many people who have friends on social networks and connections are not the intentionsto meet these people in real life, and therefore are not really friends. And given that does not really know anything about these compounds or friends on your social networking site, the last thing they want to do is know exactly where they are at 10 feet.

This should seem obvious, and could in future be a major problem is not so, but people are still a bit 'paranoid and they like to have their privacy. Meanwhile, we read articles more and more on socialNetworking gone bad. This means that people with social networks to stalk another person, and this includes parents who have teenagers who use social networks every day, and some that use on an hourly basis, and quite a bit ', will appear every few minutes SMS .

A recent study of mobile phone users was a predictability of 93% if a person should be determined on their mobile phone models, and when connected to any local cellTower. The study found that most people stay within 6 miles of their home. These patterns of predictability are a reality in our society and how we work as individuals - but that brings up all kinds of questions that the attention attracted by the Electronic Freedom Foundation, and touches the issue of privacy and paranoia, he begins unprepared people.

Then there is the new trend of smart mobs with their smartphones and have fun and meet indifferent places all at the same time. Although these systems for fun, entertainment and socialization are the same types of smart mobs in power to destabilize a society or civilization. Whether the use of technology in Tiananmen Square - governments should be worried about your cell technology, smart phones or the future of 4G wireless? Probably should be affected, particularly if it is used by a foreign government to provide mass protestsagainst what a normal stable government.

In other words, it is used in war, the CIA, to reduce the corrupt regime, the enemies of the United States. But rest assured - the same could be in the United States, where perhaps a rogue state ruled the communist nation-state to protest the United States in our great city must pass Mayday. It could easily happen, are used primarily with our own technology against us, because of all the interconnections thatDeals.

This means that our government has done this, find a way to turn, turn off all cell phones with this?
You need to disable a device, some phones from the system, but first responder communications-enabled mobile phones?
And what about hackers, the stage would be to send tens of thousands of fake SMS or call the masses of people into a trap or aRiot?

These are all questions that we face, we must understand that the same technology that we provide to our productivity can improve our society, and help us in our daily lives with our families and friends to be used against us.

And what happens when our smartphone smarter than us? Some believe, like me, they already have. Most smartphones today on artificial intelligence systems in them, for example, a text messaging program thatguesstimates the buttons you are going to print next to or what you are trying to say, and offers that you propose to fill the void. Your text message very quickly. This is a very similar technology that Google uses when a search and offer suggestions on how to save time typing. This is just a form of artificial intelligence in our Mobile phones today.

There are many mobile phones can use voice recognition to dial phone numbers searchTheir databases, or navigate through the phone. The latest smart phone you can tell if you are near a Starbucks and then give you GPS directions to find this location. This has important implications for retailers, customers and consumers. We'll start to learn your patterns and habits. All these technologies are now available and we will see in the near future. The phone is also a means of payment are linked to your credit cardInformation. All this technology exists today.

But what about the technologies that are beyond the horizon?

We saw recently at CES and Comdex shows the first generation of phones projection, so that video-conferencing-enabled mobile phones to the other party to the next wall or on a table, so you can see the project to enable. This will be followed by apparent holographic cell phones that were similar to those seen in Star WarsTrilogy.

All these things are for the next five years are available, and you probably have if you purchase a high-tech mobile phones in the near future. The first of these technologies is a lot of extra cost of money, but prices will decrease the number of units is built up and more Chinese buy their first mobile phone, adding another billion people, have such equipment, so as to bring the costs for all - clearly!

In 2025, the phoneThe phone has a chip brain in his head, and you might think what you want, and it will dial the number and with them. By 2050 you will be able to pass thought the devices do little to brain implant - perhaps less than a penny. And the people born under, know that it is never what it was not for the time being, as now, there are many people who have never a time when mobile phones did not exist have experienced "transfer thinking". And as Moore's Law seems to applyyour phone and smart phone industries, we can expect a reduction and a reduction in the power of technology in operation.

In other words, your bio-system will be able to power the chip cell phone of the brain, like the human brain today, which is to work up to 20 W of energy, and you will be able to twist Have the screen can turn a blind eye, and surf the Internet. It 's hard to say what it will look like Comdex and CES Show in Las Vegas in 2025It 's probably impossible to identify who watch these shows are like in 2050. In fact, it may not show at all, you may be able to experience these shows in the living room holographic video game center.

Walking the halls of the fair with your virtual avatar and chat with other avatars to explain all the new technologies that are available may be the new reality for you, if a Virtual Reality or Augmented completely. That seems to be where we are going,although it is difficult to imagine, given where we are today. However, I can assure you that people in 1950 could not really how our smart phones in the current period presented have evolved.

Currently, there seems to Houston a very big boost in big cities like Atlanta and Dallas, Los Angeles and Seattle, Boston and New York, Miami and 4G wireless, of course, this will continue. This is the broadband Internet Browsing with the fullSmartphone, the ability to watch TV while driving in the car on your phone. And then comes the possibility that television is available on every flat surface or screen, or close to the project. The technology is becoming more solid, is getting smaller, it is wiser, and you must decide how far you want to go with him.

Maybe I should write an ebook fast on and explain, chapter by chapter, the development of this technology to common threat, and the future of smartTelephone tech personal devices. Let me know if you know of interested potential co-authors.

At the current pace we are moving and are in the speed in which we are using the Internet, social networks, e-mail and TV interfaces, it is difficult to say what exactly you're carrying around for the future in your bag or pocket, but I dare say that it is something that is truly incredible, and in the next 10 years, it is difficult to know from this point what exactly is itto be or what might be able to do. I hope you remember all this. And contact me if you want to discuss this further on the line Think Tank.

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