Saturday 16 October 2010

Disaster Management Communications

Communication media is growing by leaps and bounds as newer technological advancement has enabled and enhanced the way people communicate in 2009.

The world is not a very safe place to live in these days as disaster and terrorism can strike at any moment. Communication is the only relief as times of disaster and hence the need for a efficient disaster management system becomes imperative in public places and even in business establishments and important commercial joints where people move around in large numbers. Disaster might strike in the form of natural calamities, terrorist's attacks and accidents. Thus an efficient disaster management system which will work in adverse conditions is needed.

In times of natural calamity like floods, storms or fire the usual mode of communication like phone, mobile etc might not work or might be lost in the calamity. The society at large must be well protected and the protection given by the police or disaster management forces must be instant and immediate. Thus the disaster management crew must be well trained and equipped with the best appliances which might help them to communicate the condition they are in and the status of the calamity in the region they work for.

Wireless communication modules are popular these days as they use satellite signals for communication and we would recommend any of the Motorola VHF models that are portable for local communications and Codan NGT SRx for the long distance communications. We would also recommend a Portable Repeater system VHF that can be used from a vehicle and would provide communications around the area of the disaster.

Reliability is what these disaster management communication systems must focus on as the need for these systems might be more in remote parts and some time even inaccessible areas like deep seas and mountain tops. We see so many people getting lost while trekking in forests or mountains. Many accidents occur during avalanche and landslides. So a communication system must be reliable and must be in working condition at all times. Thus wide area network with satellite signals is usually recommended. Many new discoveries and easy to use communication gadgets are introduced from time to time.

Codan Communications

Satellite radio plays an important role in disaster management. Arial snap shots from the satellites also reveal the severity of the disaster and they can almost penetrate closer to any region to get a good view of that place. Communication has definitely made this world as a global village wherein we can see the storm ravaging in the US live on our television sets. Our lives are well protected by the meteorically departments forecast of possible calamities. The internet technology helps us to keep in close touch with our loved ones living miles apart. The moment an accident occurs to someone close to us, we are informed immediately.

The status of the space ship or the rocket launcher is known immediately. We are able to keep track of the mission we had sent to the planet Mars many years ago. We get snap shots of it's surface and other planets. We are warned about a comet coming in high speed to bang against our earth. So you see communication is what has made this information possible. An efficient disaster management system can divert or stop much loss of lives or property.

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