Tuesday 12 October 2010

GigaMAN Speed - How Fast Ethernet GigaMAN Service Works

GigaMAN Ethernet service links the local networks in metropolitan or regional area. GigaMAN using the transmission protocol such as in your local network so that all the advantages of speed corporate LAN as data transfers between sites.

Compared to GigaMAN DS3 service is faster. And 'because it combines existing Gigabit switch with single mode fiber. Specialized fiber repeater installed at each point of transfer. The equipment interface is the standardStick and click to the multi-port or single-mode fiber. GigaMAN supports a number of interfaces that are suitable for your needs. AT & T engineers to develop the diverse needs of existing and planned network circuit. Use WDM to provide many lines on the same fiber pair and preserves the characteristics of customer input. And 'that is used on-site equipment that supports border control and provides better signal or the specified interface. provider AT & T offers your room, cable andEnergy consumption among other things.

The benefits you can expect from GigaMAN are many. Customers and clients get the cheapest ways to create and to expand the network and increase the demand for local bandwidth, a secure transmission over private networks for security, earn three options for route diversity: Loop, alternating wire removed Inter Wire Center and Diversity for more protection, customers do not have to buy the equipment needed to convert the trafficWAN Protocol. The single-mode fiber allows GigaMAN circuit from the definition be extended for greater flexibility. GigaMAN work for you.

Many problems are caused by GigaMAN variety of solutions that cut implementation of all the needs of many companies now resolved. This service operates at very high speed, speed, and connects the customer premises to the Ethernet switch. Through his repeater, has the ability to perform extended miles from start to finish. Provides bandwidthchannel for optical Ethernet, video, voice, data and Internet traffic. E 'in single mode or multimode fiber. When you invest in your internal network, the better it is for a Fast Ethernet service that suits your needs and obtain perfectly possible. Do not think of a wide network and become a major obstacle for your business. Some offices and servers are able to meet a high level of performance suitable for your local network. GigaMANService, the company can move forward on the track fast, and makes connections across the city, so as not to slow down your business.

GigaMAN fiber-optic Ethernet service running from one place to another, two Gigabit network to connect to each other as in the same area or region. Once you click on the Gigabit Ethernet network connector, you can GigaMAN take advantage of the existing network and transmits data in remote areas, the network shares in the Ethernet protocol. Thistransmits data at just over 1 gigabit per second! Imagine something like more than twenty times faster than DS3, which is exactly! In general GigaMAN works by connecting a repeater on port fiber Gigabit Ethernet has a single-mode fiber. Among the endpoint is created and Gigabit fiber connection is established. The equipment for the termination of the fiber is removed the demarc point and need space in your institutions.

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