Wednesday 13 October 2010


Networking of computers is not only the connection of individual computers, but also digital devices for data transfer. These devices, but with the difference in technologies used by different networks. But network equipment can be used as interface cards (NICs), bridges, hubs, switches and routers. Next to them, an Ethernet card are required. The common methods of connection you are using Category 5 cables, fiber optic cables. Sometimes radio (IEEE 802.12)is also used to connect these structures.


A network card, network adapter or network interface card (NIC) is a hardware that will communicate with computers on a network of computer help. Physical access to a support network is equipped with this device. Often a low-level addressing system is also supplied with the device through the use of MAC addresses. Relay

A repeater is only because of its ability to clean the noisesignal reception. This electronic device regenerates and the noise-free signal transfer with a higher power, relieve the obstruction. Sun signal spread over long distances without loss of quality. Repeaters are required for cables longer than 100 meters in most of the twisted-pair Ethernet configurations.


The network hub with multiple ports, package arrived in a port, then copied to all ports hubTransmission without any modification. The destination address in the frame is not changed in a broadcast address.


Network Bridge connect multiple network segments. These plants never sent to different ports on the receipt of shipment. However, do not copy bridges traffic on all ports, but to identify the MAC addresses reachable through specific ports.


switch block filter data between ports according to theMAC addresses in packets. In contrast, connected to a hub, only the frames are transmitted to the communication ports rather than all the ports involved. A switch to interrupt the collision domain, but is itself a broadcast domain. Switch decide the forwarding of frames with respect to their MAC addresses. Each switch has many ports in general. It helps to promote a star topology for the devices on the network and cascade additional switch. Some switches are capable ofRouting.


Routers are network devices that route packets between networks. Packet transmission depends on the information in the protocol headers and forwarding tables a. These two determine the best next router for each packet.

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