Friday 22 October 2010

We as a spray field in Precision Ag Changed

Precision Agriculture is an ever-changing field, the beginning to become commonplace, even on small family farms. With new technologies emerging every day, how to stay current without going bankrupt? To answer this question we will look at how the precision AG in the field has changed over the years, the investigation of the reasons for developing the technology with automatic speed controls, systems for automatic adjustment of the arm, and the car seat automatic control of movementsShut-off and their practical applications.

What qualifies as a precision-ag

Let us first look at the AG's accuracy? Many farmers already use elements of the field of precision and AG do not know. Precision Agriculture is a concept based on agriculture to establish the existence of variability in the field. It requires the use of new technologies such as GPS, sensors, satellites and aerial photos and management tools in the field to assessand to understand the differences in this field. Precision AG can include anything from a nebulizer equipped with GPS guidance and automatic control automatic closing boom only to a syringe equipped with an automatic speed regulator. But how does this affect you and your sense of demand.

Automatic Speed Controller

Let's start easy as a simple controller automatic spray rate, as it can affect, let's take a look. Gone are the days of the enforcementadjusting the speed and pressure by observing the instruments. With the use of an automatic speed, a user could select a destination set and enter into its controller. Then with the use of the controller, a flow meter, control valve and a speed sensor, the automatic rate controller capable of controlling the prices of the question for you so stay the course. Inside the controller, a series of calculations is done continuously to ensure that if they were set to5 gallons per acre, so no matter how fast you go you would be able to reach it were. And if the controller does not get it, I'd tell you. The controller assumes constant values of your flow and speed sensor to determine how wide open your control valve. In this way, check the nozzles will be sent to your product and how quickly it was there at the beginning. This was an important step in syringes, but as soon as the doors open toaccept new technologies, was rapidly going down the lines.

Boom automatic leveling

Boom leveling were to be introduced quickly to reduce not only costly repairs if the boom height has been neglected and beat the field, but also to reduce operator fatigue. The automatic leveling need to use any GPS technology, but it's still a piece of a complex machine. There are two basic types of self-leveling available today, ausing ultrasonic sensors and a recognition that uses a wheel doctrine to ground level. The style of the wheel using wheels that are attached to the arm and on the ground as you jump from applying. The style of the ultrasonic sensor uses ultrasonic sensors that are attached to the arm and can read both the height of the arm above the ground or the pericarp. Both systems into your existing system controls hydraulic boom your bind. The wheel system is working by touching the ground and aPressure sensor detects a greater amount of pressure on his arm. Almost immediately, something that boom, until the pressure is reduced relieved. The ultrasonic sensor system, the user selects a splash height, that its trees as the field, and when the syringe trips across the field of these sensors make continuous readings of the soil or canopy. How to change the height of the base or canopy, the sensors send a signal to the solenoid, either to lower or raise his arm tokeep the amount in line with the original height. Pressing the responsibility to keep your arm from the dirt, the only major battle had to be taken to control the machine.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

With the introduction of Global Positioning System (GPS) in agriculture worldwide, enormous progress quickly the introduction of GPS navigation on the open market. Now, a farmer, just his body withautomatic rate controllers and have the GPS connected to it. In this way we were able to guide their GPS syringe. They not only had the automatic speed control application rates, but also the GPS system would be "drawing on the screen to show exactly where they are already used in this area. You can also now had the ability to see if you have had or using a particular business or any "jumps" in your application, somay decrease slightly, and "tweak" these areas. With this, farmers quickly adopted for data entry and the ability to easily monitor their chemicals and application rates for specific jobs in the area. With the addition of GPS tracking, it's just a matter of time until the autopilot was reality.

Automatic driving control

This introduction of the seat control system to be connected. With the addition of the control of the car seat, a user has been established,driving routes in the area that would be able to follow exactly. A parking control system must be used in combination with a GPS controller. This allows the user to enter a box and put an AB-line or line of direction to follow the control seat. Some control systems tie into the car seat and steering hydraulic control system allows the steering to keep online - while others are available, the value of the steering wheel and useservo motors to control the machine. This technology allows the user to see more of his attention to other monitors that are located in the cab, rather than continually fighting the battle for their sprayers in the series was the application of this function could also focus more effort to reduce the User 'at the end of the day.

Automatic section control switch

The ability to switch off automatic boom came and began to major improvements in the world to apply.It allows the operator greater control over their application in this area. It was not until the savings began to toll for many users of this product is right. The use of GPS tracking, Bauer was able to drive through the field at higher speeds and be less tired at the end of the day. The boom in auto power off has been developed with GPS navigation, so if there is an area where the "painted on the screen" showed that he had already applied, were workingthis enclosed space, the boom would automatically turn off automatically on your arm as you came to this area. This has been the need to always be behind if you had entered an "already applied" and manually disable the partial width. Moreover, to reduce the overlap that would keep an applicator, just to make sure that covers the entire surface. If you try to overlap too much, turn off automatically just close this sectionfrom, so that no chemical waste. This led to the need to break the link out in many more sections. It has a section that 3, 5, and now to 10 sections of most manufacturers of sprayers. With the use of car seat and boom control automatic shut off, this is called into question the need for greater GPS accuracy than the currently used.

Different types of GPS signal

When the GPS was chosen for the first timein agriculture, a form of Coast Guard beacon signal was first used. This quickly gave way to the Wide Area Augmentation System or WAAS signal. WAAS has been around the world with the AG as a free GPS solution has been adjusted. The problem with using the WAAS signal is that there are inconsistencies with the quality of the signal. WAAS is usually 15 minutes 7-11 inch pass-to-pass accuracy. Although this may seem like a very precise signal, when it comes to spray fieldsthat there are hundreds of acres, on a grand scale of things could be better. Many newly available forms of GPS, which are much more accurate than WAAS, have begun to take hold in the world of AG. You have solutions such as Omnistar, which is a differential correction subscription based service that uses satellite technology to sub-meter accuracy. Or do you have the real time (RTK) solution, which is also a sign of membership. The RTK is a repeatable sub-inch accuratesignal subscription. It can be used in two ways: by radio or cell phone data. The traditional radio frequency systems has always been a safe investment, such as towers include the acquisition of labor and radio repeater systems. They usually have a limited distance of about 8-10 miles, and a line of sight limitations . But if you're on a network, usually pay a membership fee to the owner of this base station to receive theirSignal. Now with the new wireless technologies, there are several vendors, the RTK provide wireless communications for their marked shift of the signals. Some RTK wireless services, within 30 miles any line of sight limitations and provides you even with sub-inch accurate RTK of a traditional radio system. There are technologies that are also adaptable to maturity of the existing station operating constant reference (CORS) networks,are free in some states like Iowa, Ohio, Indiana and available. The CORS network functions the same way and provides sub-inch accuracy over a wireless communication.

This is just a short walk through precision farming and developments in technology have been so far. When we continue to make progress in the future there are still many different aspects of precision-AG, which still occur. In deciding to participate in the benefits of precision ag marketmust realize, "What my neighbor could not, what is right for me." We advise you to easily get caught in this and not the latest and best technology out there. Instead, make a careful assessment of what we are capable of and what is good for you. As this market grows and evolves, there are always people upgrade their systems to the highest technologies and those who are just beginning their feet wet. So, after a careful look at what you feelreach with your applications, you can make an informed decision on what technology is right for you.

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