Thursday 21 October 2010

What are the fiber optic amplifiers and how they work?

Why do we need an amplifier in fiber optics?

Basically what the optical fiber amplifiers solve is the traditional distance problem as in every long-distance telecommunications system, such as a transatlantic link. As optical signals travel through the fiber, the signals are weak in power. The more you go, the signal becomes weaker until it is too weak to be detected.

fiber-optic communication systems to solve this problem by using fiber amplifiers alongway. A repeater or amplifier is inserted into the system at a point where the weak are to increase the signal strength of the signal fiber-cable so it can be transmitted through a different length. Many amplifiers or repeaters can be placed in series so that the signal will be much along the fiber.

What are the differences between a repeater and an amplifier in fiber optics?

Traditionally, electronic booster used for the optical signalGain. A repeater is an opto-electro-opto-device. Converts a weak optical signal into an electronic signal, cleans the electronic signal and then converts the electronic signal back to optical signal with an optical transmitter. The transmitter emits optical power much stronger signal in the optical input, and then increases.

However, this is a cumbersome and expensive process because it was through the new optical fiber amplifier replacedTechnology.

An optical fiber amplifier is an all-optical device. It does not convert the input optical signal into an electronic signal at all. In essence, you can call it a laser line. And an optical fiber amplifier can simultaneously amplify dozens of optical channels, because they do not convert electronic signals in each channel separately.

What are optical fiber amplifiers and how they work?

fiber amplifier is a part of the optical fiber dopedwith a rare earth element such as erbium or praseodymium.

The atoms of erbium or praseodymium by high intensity light (pump laser) are pumped into an excited state. But they are not stable in the excited state. When the optical signals to be amplified when you go in fiber, they stimulate the excited erbium atoms. The erbium atoms pass high-performance low-power stable excited state to the state, and release their energy in the form of photons emitted light atsimultaneously. The emitted photons have the same phase and wavelength of the incoming optical signal, ie to increase the optical signal.

This is a very convenient form of amplifier for optical fiber communication system since it is an in-line amplifier, thus eliminating the need to convert optical-electrical and electro-optics.

The wavelengths of pump and laser wavelengths corresponding optical signal are important parameters for the operation of fiber amplifiers. ThisWavelengths depend on the type of rare earth element doped in the fiber and the composition of the glass fiber.

Another important term to understand its fiber amplifier "gain" is. Gain measures the gain for fiber length. Winning depends on both the materials and operating conditions and varies with wavelength for all materials.

At low input powers, the power output is proportional to the profits once the fiber length. So, P (out) =P (input) gain x length x

For higher power inputs, the gain saturation effect comes into play. Sun rising input power produces less energy and less, which means that the amplifier is short of energy that it needs to generate more power.

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